Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mesothelioma Treatment Options

That age and above - all the health of patients, treatment options may vary depending on how the disease Mesothelioma. Treatment options, often caused by a tumor depends on the intensity of damage. Beauty contest for the three systems is pleural mesothelioma. Peritoneal mesothelioma is not created.
Traditional surgical treatment, including chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The age, the aggressive treatment impossible to create health problems in May, or the advanced stage of cancer contribute. In such situations, an alternative system is used. The specific treatment generally are not used or have been approved by doctors. New therapeutic approaches are research studies or new drugs that are safe and effective in determining the treatment is used.
Tri-modality therapy combines surgery with chemotherapy and radiation. Photodynamic therapy is an experimental treatment with a drug that causes cells that are sensitive to light. Immunotherapy, hemotherapy, intra-pleural gamma-interferon therapy are just some of the various therapies. Gene therapy is an important tool for research. Almita has a new drug. Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) is another technique, the doses of radiation to be delivered to very complex forms of cancer or with the nearby normal structures.

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